Hui Yao
Beijing Institute of Technology
Dr. Hui Yao, currently, is serving in a professor position (appointed by the university) at the College of Metropolitan Transportation, Beijing University of Technology in China. Dr. Yao received his Ph.D. degree from Central South University, China in 2012, and from Michigan Technological University, in the United States of America in 2016. Before the start of his Ph.D. study, Dr. Yao had two years of experience in construction and design companies. His research interests include Transportation Data Science, Image Processing, Materials for Civil Engineering, Intelligent Maintenance, Engineering Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics (MD), and Discrete Element Method (DEM). Dr. Yao has published more than 90 papers in the field of Transportation Engineering/Civil Engineering, in high-impacted journals, such as Nano Energy (Impact Factor: 19.069), Advances in Colloid Interface and Science (Impact Factor: 15.190), Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (Impact Factor: 9.6), Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact Factor: 11.072) and IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Impact Factor: 9.551). Based on Google Scholar, the citation reaches more than 3300 times. One of the publications is in the Top 25 Hottest Articles in Elsevier and three are also the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) highly cited papers